Saturday, November 24, 2012

Observation 3

My third observation took place on November 13th. My aquarium seemed pretty lively, probably equal to last time. I saw three different types of amoeba wandering around in different areas, a centropyxis, difflugia,and a saccamoeba. The saccamoeba was the only one that wasn't moving around. The others were actively moving about looking for food I would imagine.

There were not many large organisms this time. I imagine with the food pellet running low that the food chain is collapsing to the simpler organisms that can live on detritus. Many paramecium and cyclidium were spotted darting around but they were too quick to capture a good image. I did find a 'swarm' of what were thought to be litonotus. They were moving much too quickly to capture an image of an individual so I just took an image of the entire group.

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